How to Set Up Email Advertising

Article author
Knorex Support
  • Updated

Read this guide to learn more about Email Advertising. 

  1. Quick Launch a new Programmatic Campaign

    Screenshot 2021-01-21 at 11.39.11 AM.jpg

  2. Create a Programmatic Ad Group for the campaign. Select Email as the Channel Type in Step 2.
      • Fill out the remaining required fields to successfully create an ad group.

        location based ad group.png

  3. Create a Programmatic (Native) Ad for the campaign. 
      • The Creative Type is set to Native Ads by default, and you can choose whether to create a new Native Ad or link an existing one to your campaign.
      • Email Ad creative specifications will follow the same specifications as Native Ads. Learn more about Native Ad specifications.

  4. Click Save. Your email campaign is now published.

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