How to Set a Frequency Cap For Facebook Ad Groups

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Knorex Support
  • Updated

This feature is only applicable to Facebook Ad Groups. 

Setting a frequency cap allows you to limit the number of times your ads are shown to an individual, helping to reduce ad fatigue. XPO offers various frequency capping options that can be tailored to your budget, audience size, and campaign schedule. Here's a detailed understanding on Frequency Capping.



    1. For your new (or existing) Facebook campaign, ensure the objective is Reach.
    2. Create a new Facebook ad group with an optimization goal as Daily Unique Reach.

    3. In the Frequency Cap field, you can set an impression limit ranging from 1 to 90 and the number of days with the same limit range.


      • If you enter invalid values in the impressions or days fields, an error message will pop up, stating “Impressions and days must be an integer between 1 and 90”.


    4. Click Save to get your ad group running. 
  • You will not be able to edit the frequency cap after creating your Facebook ad group. 
  • Editing the frequency cap is only possible if you clone the ad group. 

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