How to Pause/Resume/Remove Keywords & Creatives

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Knorex Support
  • Updated

This feature is only applicable to Search ad groups on Google.

How To Pause/Resume/Remove Creatives

At times, when you have ads running but wish to pause and resume them depending on your seasonal/time strategies, you can do so in XPO.

By pausing your creative, you can resume later and start immediately using that ad creative without having to re-create or get it reviewed and/or approved again. For instance, if you're running ads for woolen clothes around the end of summer, you can pause the ad creative by end of winter and resume it for the subsequent cycle. 

  1. From the campaign dashboard, select the Search ad group you wish to pause/resume creative(s) for.
  2. Under Content, select Creative and click on the Action dropdown.
  3. Choose to either Pause, Resume, or Remove the creative.

Depending on which option you select, the creative's status will reflect it.

Pause remove creatives.png

How To Pause/Resume/Remove Keywords

You can pause/remove/resume keywords that are underperforming or are spending but not converting into results. Some keywords may also suffer from a low-quality score on Adwords.

  1. From the campaign dashboard, select the Search ad group you wish to pause/resume/remove keyword(s) for.
  2. Under Content, select Keywords and click on the Action dropdown.
  3. Choose to either Pause, Resume, or Remove either one or more keywords.

Depending on which option you select for the keyword, the status will reflect it. Once you remove keywords, they will not reflect in the ad group anymore.

pause remove keywords.png

  • Pause status will reflect as Paused
  • Resume status will reflect as Active
  • If you clone a campaign/ad group with paused creatives and/or keywords, the cloned campaign will also reflect the paused creatives and/or keywords

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