How to Bulk Update Search Keywords

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Knorex Support
  • Updated

In XPO, you can easily edit and update keywords in bulk    to your Search campaigns. You can edit keyword texts, keyword match types like phrases or broad words, or even edit URLs for multiple keywords, all in a single step to save you time and hassle.


1. For Existing Search Ad Groups

  1. Select the Search Ad Group that you want to update.
  2. Select Keywords under Content. Choose the keywords that you want to make edits to and then click on Action.

    There are 6 types of edits that you can make to the selected keywords:
    Search Ad Group.png

    A. Keyword Type

    To change the type or range of multiple (or individual) selected keywords from Broad to Exact or to Phrase, can be done here.
    B. Set New Bids (Max CPC)

    This option is only made available if you set the ad group Bidding Strategy as manual CPC mode.
    • You can set new bids for multiple keywords by selecting the option Set a manual bid. Key in your strategic bid amount.
    • To change the keyword CPC bid to the default ad group level bid amount, click on Use ad group default bid.


C.Include Setting

To change multiple keywords from Include to Exclude and vice versa, opt for this option under the Action menu.

D. Change Text

        • Find and replace:  Enter the keyword you wish you make edits to in the Find text field. This field is mandatory.
        • Opt for Match case which implies finding and replacing the keyword entered in Find text field, but taking into consideration the casing of the word. For instance, XPO will find for "Knorex" and "not knorex" or "KNOREX".
        • On the other hand, Match whole words only look to replace the entered keyword regardless of the word casing but only matches whole words. Eg. Knorex (or KNOREX), and not Knorex advertising for instance.
        • Replace the keyword with your desired new keyword. Eg. universal advertising.
        • Select Preserve original keyword capitalization if you want to retain the case of your original keyword.
        • You can also create duplicate keywords with the new text entered instead of editing the original one. This way you will have both, original as well as the new one. Opt for the second option to do this.

          Add to text: If you wish to add keywords to the selected keyword from your dashboard, click on this option and enter the new word/text to Add to text. You can choose to keep the new word/text after or before the existing keyword.

          Tick the Keep original keywords and create a duplicate with new text, if you wish to keep both for your targeting.
      • Click Save. Your keyword changes will now reflect in your Search ad group.

E. Change Final URLs

        • Find and replace:  Enter the keyword you wish you make edits to in the Find text field. Change Final URLs.png


D. Change Custom Parameters

        • Find and replace:  Enter the keyword you wish you make edits to in the Find text field. This field is mandatory.Change Custom Parameters.png


2. Adding Keyword Lists

To import keyword lists into your search ad group, follow these steps:

  1. From the menu: Utility > Keyword List. Click on + Keyword List.
    Keywords Utility.png

  2. After downloading the CSV file format:
    • Name your keyword list and upload the saved CSV file.
    • Then, select the accounts you wish to share this keyword list with.
    • Click Submit.
    • To edit an existing list, and/or add more CSV files with a different set of keywords, click on edit under the action menu from the dashboard. 
      Edit keyword list.png
    • Upload the new CSV file. Select one of the 3 options to choose from below:
      • Override (replace) the old keyword list with your newly updated one.
      • Update the info of existing keywords and add new keywords that are not on the old list. 
      • Remove any keywords on the old list that matches with the list you have updated.
    • Click Submit. 
  3. While creating your Search Ad Group, click on Import Keyword List under your targeting settings.
    • You will be able to link the keyword list created in step 2 to your new ad group.
    • Bulk updates will be made available under ad group info once you save the ad group details. Refer to Existing Search Ad Group Settings for a detailed explanation of bulk updates.
    • You can also link the keyword list under the ad group info by clicking on Import Keyword List.
  4. Click Save. Your search ad group is now updated.


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