How Do I Create An Advertiser Account

Article author
Knorex Support
  • Updated

You must be a Partner Admin in order to be able to create an Advertiser account under your Partner Account.

  1. In XPO Media Broker, under the Account menu, select Add Account


  2. In Manage Account, key in all the required Account Information details.


  3. In Account Setup, key in all the necessary details and assign the role(s) that you would like to grant to the user, including setting the credit terms: 14 days, 30 days, or more than 30 days. Click Continue to proceed.


  4. Select the desired Billing Schedule or cycle (e.g. Monthly or Yearly) and select the most appropriate Subscription Plan from the drop-down. Click Create Account to proceed.


  5. Once your account is created, you will need to top up credits to this Advertiser Account to be able to launch any campaign.


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