October 2024
- Account/Partner Dashboard: Added TikTok as a filter in the under/over performing and under/over spending campaigns tables.
- Reporting - Amazon Ads: Supported Scheduled Report Widget - Phase 1.
- Reporting - Public Report: Improved the cost metrics design in the NSC Partners Public Report.
- UI/UX Improvement: Updated the UI across XPO to reflect the new Knorex color scheme.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the link creative modal.
- UI/UX Improvement: Added tooltip messaging for Destination URL in the Edit Conversion Goal form.
- UI/UX Improvement: Added tooltip messaging for 'under/over spending' and 'under/over performing' widgets for enhanced clarity.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved tooltip messaging for disabled options in the Audience Segment action menu.
- UI/UX Improvement: Updated the design of the new audience targeting forms.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of data tables across XPO.
- UI/UX Improvement: Updated the campaign details page to display the number of days a campaign has been running.
September 2024
- Ad Group: Fixed an issue where error messaging for the Geography function was not displaying properly even when duplicate polygons were added to the ad group.
- Ad Group - Audience: Fixed an issue where existing added polygons were not appearing properly in the bulk edit mode.
- Ad Group - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed an issue where the status of the linked creative did not immediately update after linking a creative to an ad group did not immediately update the status.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue where saving edits to ad group details would incorrectly display a blank page instead of a successful save message.
- Ad Placements: Resolved an issue where the required error message was not being displayed when no placements were selected in the bulk edit modal for Meta ads, ensuring accurate and efficient bulk editing.
- Audience: Fixed an issue in the New Audience Segment form where the Market Vector (MV) Digital Lifestyle Audience data source option was not functioning properly.
- Audience: Added a data provider filter option for both the Eyeota and Live Ramp audience.
- Audience: Started supporting Eyeota Audience in XPO.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Resolved an issue where creating a campaign with Dynamic Search ads settings enabled, would fail without displaying a valid error message.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with the campaign dashboard not loading properly.
- Campaign - Programmatic Ads: Fixed an issue where both manual and automatic bids were being sent to Real-Time Bidding (RTB) after selecting the Target CPA bidding strategy, rather than just the automatic bid value.
- Campaign List: Implemented a badge icon and tooltip to distinguish external campaigns
- Creative: Fixed an issue with creatives not being cloned properly.
- Creative: Reduced the time it takes to clone multiple creatives at once for increased efficiency.
- Creative: Fixed an issue with the creative preview not working properly.
- Creative - Google Ads: Supported Lead Form Ads - Phase 1.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue where the Destination URL was being displayed instead of the Display Link in the carousel ad.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed the preview share link for collection ads.
- Creative - TikTok Ads: Fixed an issue with rejected creatives not displaying properly.
- Reporting - Email Report: Resolved an issue where the page became unresponsive and prevented the selection of metrics after the device ID.
- UI/UX Improvement: Enhanced the creative clone modal by adding channel-specific icons for all channels.
- UI/UX Improvement: Enabled user to deselect platforms when cloning a campaign.
August 2024
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Removed the Placement section tooltip messaging for the New Ad Group form.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Improved error messaging in the New Ad Group form.
- Assets: Fixed an issue where clicking on the Clone button to clone a Brand Segment was bringing up the Edit Segment Page instead.
- Audience - Meta Ads: Optimized the loading time for the Meta Ads Campaign detail page.
- Campaign: Updated New Campaign Form to display unique ad account IDs for improved clarity and distinction.
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Updated the campaign edit page for TikTok campaigns to ensure that toggle options are disabled where necessary.
- Creative: Added tooltip messaging for the Destination URL in the New Creative Form.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Improved the tooltip design for Lead Gen Ads.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Supported Dynamic Creative ads - Phase 1.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Improved the video ad preview function.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Improved the creative preview function for Instagram posts.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Improved the creative preview design.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Optimized the loading time for the catalog creative preview.
- Creative - TikTok Ads: Added TikTok to the filter function for rejected creatives.
- Creative: Updated the New Creative Form to unify Display ads and Banner ads into a single creative type called Display Ad.
- Pixel - Remarketing Pixel: Fixed an issue where users were unable to create remarketing pixels if they did not have a Meta Ad account linked.
- Reporting - Email Report: Fixed an issue with the campaign date period not being reflected properly in the final email report.
- Reporting - Public Report: Improved the design of the Public Report channel filter.
- UI/UX Improvement: Revamped the tooltip messaging design for conversions details.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Conversion Goals page.
- UI/UX Improvement: Removed the Advertiser Option across XPO.
- UI/UX Improvement: Updated the New Conversion Goal form to change the default selection for counting types from Standard to Unique to promote customization.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved error messaging for increased clarity.
July 2024
- Account Dashboard: Standardized the platform names across XPO.
- Account Dashboard: Removed advertiser option in the Create/Manage Feed page.
- Ad Group: Improved the performance of the Geo Locations map function.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with ad group history not being displayed correctly after creating or updating the ad group details.
- Ad Group - LinkedIn Ads: Improved the tooltip messaging for Geo Locations.
- Ad Group: Added a tooltip message to appear when a campaign's daily budget cap is lower than the total daily spend cap of its ad groups.
- Ad Group/Campaign: Improved the campaign and ad group syncing function.
- Campaign: Improved the Geo Location search function.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Fixed an issue with the cloning function not working properly.
- Campaign: Fixed an issue where the total number of days from a campaign's start to end date was not being displayed properly.
- Campaign - Amazon Ads: Improved the accuracy of the budget allocation calculation.
- Campaign: Fixed an issue with the Clone Campaign function not working properly.
- Clone Modal: Fixed an issue where impression capping was not displaying properly.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed creative preview function.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed an issue where the design page for LinkedIn message ads was not loading properly.
- Creative: Removed the advertiser option in the creative bulk upload page.
- Creative: Removed the advertiser option in the new/edit creative page.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with the creative preview function not working properly.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with the Custom Date Picker not displaying properly.
- Creative: Fixed an issue with new Link Creatives not displaying correctly within ad groups.
- Creative - Google Ads: Fixed an issue with Performance Max video creative previews not displaying correctly.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue where selecting an existing instance form in the Meta Collection Ad Design page returned a blank screen.
- Creative - Google Ads: Improved the design of the App Install Creative design page by making it clear which fields are mandatory.
- Partner Dashboard: Fixed an issue with the data in the partner dashboard not displaying properly.
- Performance: Optimized the loading times for benchmark ROI analysis.
- Programmatic Ad - Audio Ad: Fixed an issue with the preview function not working properly.
- Programmatic - Ad Group: Improved error messaging of expired programmatic ad groups.
- Reporting - Insights Report: Fixed an issue where clickthrough conversion data was not being displayed properly.
- Reporting - Share/Email Report: Improved the design of the Share & Report.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Added new filter by platform option.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Improved the design and formatting of the New Scheduled Report form.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Improved the update functionality for report metrics by adding tooltip message when users attempt to update metrics
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Fixed an issue with scheduled report delivery.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Meta Collection Ad design page.
June 2024
- Ad Group - Fixed an issue with the ADD button for Keywrod Targeting not working properly in the New Search Ad Group form.
- Ad Group - TikTok Ads: Improved the tooltip message design for Bid Strategy.
- Audience: Fixed a display error where the text in the New Audience Form was not aligned properly.
- Audience - TikTok Ads: Improved the tooltip message design for the Lookalike Audience size.
- Audience: Improved the design of the audience splicing dashboard.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with the Clone Campaign action not working properly.
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Fixed a display error where Interest & Behavior Targeting widgets were not aligned properly.
- Campaign: Improved the design and function of the dropdown menus in the Select One or More Platforms section from the campaign setup page.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Fixed an error where creating a Performance Max campaign without a Merchant Center would incorrectly change the campaign status to blocker.
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Fixed an issue with the Device Targeting page incorrectly displaying an empty space.
- Clone Modal: Fixed an issue where the reset and save buttons appeared by default even when users had not made any edits.
- Creative: Improved the auto-refresh function for existing creatives.
- Creative - Facebook Ads: Improved the design of carousel ads.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed an issue where selecting an Existing LinkedIn Lead gen creative displayed the incorrect creative type.
- Extension: Fixed an inaccurate error display that appeared when deleting a search extension.
- Performance: Fixed an issue where users with AdOps roles were unable to make changes to their campaign.
- Performance: Optimized the loading time of the Creative page.
- Reporting - Insights Report: Improved the Insights Report to display Arena Campaigns by default.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Improved the New Scheduled report page breadcrumbs to accurately reflect the correct dashboard the report has been opened from.
- Reporting - Share Report: Fixed an issue where the campaign widget was incorrectly being listed as an option to select when generating a report.
- UI/UX Improvement: Added a message to encourage users to use XPO on Google Chrome browser for best results.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Looker Studio scheduled report text box design.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the text box design of the creative design page.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the channel section design in the ad group details page.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the conversion goal details page.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Customize Columns modal.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of loading pages across XPO.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the new campaign form.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Objective dropdown menu under Campaign Info in the new campaign form.
- UI/UX Improvement: Removed the "Third-Party Services - MOAT" text from the ad group details.
- UI/UX Improvement: Revamped the design of the Customize Columns modal.
May 2024
- Ad Group - LinkedIn Ads: Improved the design of the section message that appears at the top of the Ad Group Details page.
- Audience: Fixed an issue with the segment list not loading for Third Party Digital ID audiences.
- Campaign - Amazon Ads: Integrated new Product Targeting, Category Targeting, and Targeting Groups widgets.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Improved error messaging for Performance Max campaigns that are created without a Merchant Center.
- Campaign List: Implemented a tooltip message for Action and Edit buttons to inform users that the buttons can only be activated when at least one campaign is selected.
- Campaign List: Fixed an issue preventing users from editing selected campaigns.
- Creative: Fixed a display error where the Edit Placement preview for creatives was not properly centered.
- Creative - Amazon Ads: Fixed an issue where users were unable to select an advertiser on the bulk upload creative page.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed an issue where initially selected creative types did not carry over when choosing an ad account.
- Creative - Facebook Ads: Fixed an issue where the Facebook preview image for a Product Catalog Ad was incorrectly displaying a black screen.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Improved the design of the Creative preview modal to begin displaying the creative name, icon, and type.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Improved the design of the display that appears when users hover over an image from their Media Library Assets.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Enabled previews for Meta/Instagram posts.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with creative thumbnail URLs not working properly.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue preventing users from opening the Meta Creative edit page.
- Creative - Programmatic Ads: Fixed an error where creatives that passed their end date were still showing Published statuses instead of Expired.
- Creative - Programmatic Ads: Fixed an issue preventing the Update Bid Adjustment function from working properly.
- Creative - TikTok Ads: Corrected the name of the Creative type displayed in the Link Creative modal.
- Creative - TikTok Ads: Fixed an issue with the TikTok video thumbnail not appearing properly.
- Performance - Optimized the loading time of creative pages.
- Pixel - Meta Ads: Added a new Custom Event option.
- Programmatic - Ad Group: Fixed an issue preventing Display Ad Groups from being created within a programmatic campaign.
- Programmatic - Ad Group: Fixed an issue with the Add Device button not appearing under Device Targeting.
- Programmatic - Creative: Improved error messaging when user edits the headline of a native content creative.
- Remarketing Pixel: Fixed an error where clicking Edit on a remarketing pixel would lead users to a blank screen.
- Remarketing Pixel - TikTok Ads: Fixed a display error where Select Pixel and Select Category fields were not properly aligned.
- Reporting: Added Reach Frequency as a new performance metric that users can select to view in their report.
- Reporting - Insights Report: Fixed an issue preventing the creative insights report from generating successfully.
- Reporting - Insights Report: Implemented a tooltip message in the conversions widget to show a breakdown of Click-Through and View-Through Conversions.
- Reporting - Public Report: Fixed an issue with the public report generating a blank screen.
- Reporting - Public Report: Enabled filtering report data by channels, campaigns, and ad groups.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Fixed an issue with the Looker Studio where the Add button for recipients was incorrectly disabled.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Resolved an issue where changing the report delivery method affected the number of reportable campaigns.
- Reporting - Share Report - Amazon Ads: Fixed an issue where selected widgets in the share report were not being properly generated in the public report.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Creative Type section.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Conversion Goal Details page to make it easier for users to navigate.
- UI/UX Improvement: Standardized the "Delete modal" design and messaging across Responsive, App Install, and Performance Max ads.
Apr 2024
- Programmatic Ads: Added Orgury ad exchange.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Addressed unexpected suspension errors occurring in Meta campaigns.
- Creative - App Installs: Creatives that are linked to App Install Campaigns can no longer be deleted from Account and Partner dashboards.
- Creative - Google Ads: Resolved an issue preventing image uploads on Performance Max creatives.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Optimized the process for syncing creatives.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Removed the approval status column from the Creatives tab in the Ad Group details page.
March 2024
- Campaign - Amazon Ads: Updated the list of campaigns and reports to include sponsored products as external campaigns.
- Campaign - Budget Allocation: Improved the logic for budget validation.
- Campaign/Ad Group: Revised and improved the status badges in the Campaign and Ad Group table.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Corrected typos in the Beneficiary and Payer notes.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with viewing Meta preview links.
- Reporting - Email: Improved the formatting of report status emails.
- Reporting - Insights Report: Resolved an issue preventing the Public Report from generating correctly.
- Reporting - Insights Report: Fixed an issue preventing the keyboards widget from appearing in Public Reports.
- Reporting - Insights & Attribution Report: Enabled the viewing of performance data for archived creatives.
- Performance: Optimized the loading times for the Account Dashboard, Campaign Details page, and Ad Group Details page.
- Performance: Enhanced the cache-clearing functionality.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Creative Preview modal.
- UI/UX Improvement: Updated the selection boxes for audience types.
- UI/UX Improvement: Implemented a tooltip message that appears when resuming a paused campaign.
February 2024
- Campaign - Google Ads: Enabled the creation of Performance Max campaigns without Google Merchant Center.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue that prevented existing Instagram post ads from being linked to ad groups.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Enabled users to make adjustments to their campaign performance breakdowns even after reports are generated.
January 2024
- Audience - Meta Ads: Saved audience targeting criteria from Meta now syncs properly to respective ad groups.
- Campaign/Ad Group - Budget Allocation: Improved the logic for budget validation.
- Campaign - Budget Optimization: Adjusted mechanisms for AI budget allocation.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue preventing the creation of conversion objective campaigns.
- Ad Group - TikTok Ads: Archived the News Feed App Series placement option for traffic, conversions, and app install objective ad groups.
- Creative - Google Ads: Improved creative synchronization during campaign/ad group syncs.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Improved creative synchronization during campaign/ad group syncs.
- Analytics - LinkedIn Ads: Updated LinkedIn benchmarking data to only appear in partner dashboards that have active LinkedIn campaigns.
- Reporting - Insight Report: Added data filtering in the DOOH channel.
- Reporting - Microsoft Ads: Enabled the syncing of Bing Ads campaigns to XPO.
- Reporting - TikTok Ads: Improved the accuracy of the Reach Metric calculation.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved and standardized the design of the Bulk Action modal (pause, resume, delete, sync, or resubmit) for campaigns, ad groups, and creatives.
December 2023
- Audience (Beta): Enabled users to leverage data provider and segment recommendations when creating or editing third-party audience segments.
- Campaign (Beta): Added new history logs.
- Ad Group - Optimization and Delivery: Updated settings to inform users that ad group bidding strategies are limited to their respective campaign's bidding strategy.
- Reporting - Public Report: Assigned the table view as the new default format for Ad Groups and Creatives widgets.
- Reporting - Public Report: Introduced a new graph view for Campaign, Ad Group, Creative, and Channel widgets.
Reporting - Public Report: Updated to show which ad groups belong to each campaign.
- Reporting - Public Report: Introduced a map view in the Geo widget.
- Reporting - Public Report: Improved the data calculation for the Audience Segment widget.
- UI/UX Improvement: Created hyperlinked shortcuts to help users access their Partner and Advertiser dashboards more easily from the menu bar.
- UI/UX Improvement: Standardized the names of Google Ad channel types across XPO for greater consistency.
November 2023
- Audience: Added Switzerland as a new Programmatic Lookalike Audience segment.
- Creative: Added an error message that displays when creatives are rejected due to failing the AdChoice test.
- Creative - Google Ads: Updated Performance Max creative specifications in XPO to align more accurately with Google specifications.
- Reporting - Google Ads: Implemented smart campaign synchronization with XPO.
- Reporting - TikTok Ads: Fixed an issue with the Reach Metric not showing up when trying to generate a report.
- Reporting - Email Report: Enabled users to receive Conversion Goals Breakdown email reports to further optimize their campaigns.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Implemented a tooltip error message for failed reports.
- UI/UX Improvement: Enabled searching by time zone.
October 2023
- Campaign - Budget Allocation: Improved and refined the logic for sliders and text boxes.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Updated teen audience targeting options to comply with EU regulations .
- Ad Group - TikTok Ads: Integrated the latest Landing Page View optimization goal for users to leverage in their campaigns .
- Creative - Google Ads: Improved the Google Search Ad creation process, speeding up the ad approval process for users.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Enabled users to sign up for daily email alerts for failed requests.
- Reporting - Share Report: Added a Show Pacing option to the Share Report modal.
- Reporting: Fixed an issue with the campaign filter returning incorrect results in Partner and Account dashboards.
- Pixel: Enabled the editing of Android and iOS apps used in the App Conversion Pixel.
- UI/UX Improvement: Revamped the design of the Ad Account selection section.
- UI/UX Improvement: Updated respective platform names to Google Ads and Meta Ads.
September 2023
- Campaign - Programmatic: Added a new channel called DOOH (Digital-out-of-home).
- Campaign - Google Ads: Started supporting Discovery campaigns as external campaigns to XPO.
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Integrated the new Website Conversions objective, enabling users to drive conversions on their website or TikTok Instant Page .
- Ad Group - Google Ads: Added Target Impression Share as a new campaign bidding strategy.
- Ad Group - Google Ads: Enabled users to sync Google Ads that have Target CPA bidding strategies, with the exception that the Target CPA setting will remain within Google Ads only.
- Ad Group - Google Ads: Updated geo-location targeting options.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Updated Beneficiary and Payer requirements for ads targeting audiences in the EU .
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Enabled the syncing of ad group data with the Maximize Number of Calls optimization goal.
- Creative - Google Ads: Increased the limit of Responsive Search Ads (RSA) that can be linked to an ad group to 3 RSA's per ad group.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Added new fields to the Lead Gen Form, allowing users to receive more informative and valuable leads.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Removed types of creatives that are no longer supported.
- Reporting - Insight Report: Added a refresh button for widgets that fail to load.
- Reporting - Google Ads: Removed the Caller Number, Tracking Number, and Receiver Number metrics.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of the Account and Partner modal.
August 2023
- Audience: Added Brazil as a new Programmatic Lookalike Audience segment.
- Campaign - Tracking: Updated the campaign detail page to include a new Cross-Device Attribution setting.
- Ad Group - Google Ads: Implemented a tooltip message informing users that campaign pacing data is shown when ad groups are using a shared budget.
- Creative - Google Ads: Enabled users to pin more than one headline and description to a Responsive Search Ad (RSA), helping to optimize performance testing.
- Reporting - Public Report: Added channel and platform filters.
- Reporting - Share Report: Added Click-through and Engagement metrics in the Share Report modal.
- Reporting - Share Report: Updated the Looker Studio icon and label.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of Performance Max campaigns, ad groups, and creatives.
- UI/UX Improvement: Added a No Ads status warning for campaigns and ad groups.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved and standardized the channel filter design across XPO.
July 2023
- Campaign - Clone Modal: When cloning a campaign, all of its respective ad groups will now automatically inherit the campaign's start and end date.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Fixed an issue with Existing Page Post creatives not appearing as a creative type selection under traffic objective campaigns.
- Ad Group - Google Ads: Ad groups that are created under a campaign will now automatically inherit the campaign's bidding strategy.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Added Expand Detailed Targeting as a new Detailed Targeting option for Catalog Sales Ad Groups.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Previews are now available for Meta/Instagram stories.
- Pixel: Enabled Remarketing and Conversion pixels to be created for TikTok ad events.
- Reporting - Insight Report: Fixed the sorting function in conversion and public reports widgets.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Changed the default scheduled report format to Overall/Channel.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Enabled the generation of Overall daily scheduled reports.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Added external campaign data to scheduled reports.
- Troubleshooting: Users are now notified when their campaign's spending drops to 50% or less in a day.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the header and icon design for all widgets.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved the design of tooltip messaging across XPO.
Previous Releases
- Campaign - Google Ads: Supported Performance Max campaigns - Phase 1.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Improved ODAX Objectives - Allowed ad groups to use different optimization goals under the Lead Generation objective campaign.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Made Details and Privacy policy details fields optional.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Informed users that Instagram page posts are not supported.
- Performance Improvement: Optimized campaign list loading.
- Campaign - Account Credit: Required sufficient account credit when creating new campaigns.
- Ad Group - Programmatic: Separated CTV and OTT ad groups.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Deprecated Facebook Instant Articles ad placement.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Required LinkedIn page association upon creating new creatives.
- Reporting - Attribution Report: Reduced footfall attribution report delay from 14 days to 7 days.
- Reporting - Insight Report: Improved loading of Geo breakdown in Insight report.
- Reporting - Attribution Report: Supported POI list radius units: KM (Kilometer), M (Meter), MILES.
- Audience - TikTok Ads: Indicated if the audience segment is not eligible for running (audience size less than 1000).
- Audience - Geo List: Added support for the new Geofence file format ( GeoJSON), with coordinates separated in a new line.
- Campaign - Account Credit: Enhanced validation of account credit upon campaign creation.
- Campaign: Informed the user that the ad group and creative dates are not automatically updated upon extending the campaign date.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Added support for syncing existing Google Shopping campaigns to XPO.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Full supported ODAX Objectives.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Displayed a warning message for ad groups affected by changing the campaign conversion goal.
- Reporting - Public Report: Displayed the app name instead of the app ID on the Site widget.
- User & Account Management: Only Partner Admins, System Admins, and AdOps (ref) can access or edit account service costs and campaign management fees.
- UI/UX Improvement: Enhanced URL format validation.
- Audience: Updated the label from "Proximity Audience - Factual" to "Proximity Audience - Foursquare."
- Audience: Supported sharing audience segments between accounts.
- Audience: Fixed the distance unit in geo list import lists.
- Audience: Extended bid factor adjustment for geo-targeting.
- Audience - TikTok Ads: Supported 2 audience types: (i) device audience, and (ii) lead.
- Campaign: Improved UI design for ad group headers.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Supported ODAX Objectives - Phase 2: Conversions objective with 'Purchase' event.
- Campaign - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed the minimum budget required at the campaign level.
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Added support for objectives: Lead Generation and App Installs.
- Ad Group: Revised tooltips for campaign statuses.
- Creative: Improved UI of creative details.
- Creative - TikTok Ads: Supported smart video custom creative.
- Reporting - Conversion Tracking: Supported conversions counting types: standard vs unique.
- Reporting - Conversion Tracking: Supported offline conversions.
- Reporting - Public Report: Improved UI of channel name and icons, updated title to "Overall Account Performance".
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Verified the minimum budget required for editing the campaign budget.
- Ad Group: Supported UI switching between ad groups.
- Reporting - Insight Report: Added platform and channel name to campaign name.
- UI/UX Improvement: Showed the tooltip on the campaign pause/resume button.
- UI/UX Improvement: Renamed "management fees" to "partner management fees".
- UI/UX Improvement: Changed the default date range to 7 days.
- UI/UX Improvement: Showed an announcement message when the system is undergoing maintenance/deployment.
- Troubleshooting - Meta Ads: Improved message for Meta pixel troubleshooting.
- Audience - Meta Ads: Improved UI for Facebook Video Audience.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Added API to update the campaign/ad group status of Google Ads campaigns.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Fixed the issue of bid values not synced if the Search campaign is created with max CPC values set in Google Ads and then synced over to XPO.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Supported ODAX objectives - Phase 1.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Improved the campaign objective with the updated campaign objective selection.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Removed the restriction to create an App Install campaign even if campaign budget optimization is disabled.
- Campaign - TikTok Ads: Added support for the campaign and ad group level pacing for TikTok Ads channel.
- Ad Group - Meta Ads: Improved the error message to be more informative to replace the current "Reason: Unknown" message.
- Creative - Google Ads: Standardized the creative tag style that is not consistent.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed the issue of not being able to access the lead gen form details when clicking on Edit and Clone in XPO Quick Launch flow.
- Creative - Meta Ads: Worked with the Meta team to fix a deprecated API related to images; should be updated in v16 (ref).
- UI/UX Improvement: Standardized the channel filter under the Campaign tab to be consistent with other tabs' channel filters.
- UI/UX Improvement: Fixed the checkboxes being cut off when text overflows.
- Reporting - Share Report: Added a platform column in the channel widget.
- Audience - LinkedIn Ads: Disabled LinkedIn source when there is no allocated ad account.
- Audience - Meta Ads: Marked "deprecated" to all places using special ad settings.
- Audience - TikTok Ads: Added three new audience types: (i) Engagement, (ii) App Activity, and (iii) Lookalike.
- Audience: Improved UI for first-party video audience.
- Audience: Required location to be specified when creating the third-party audience.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Improved daily budget auto recalculation.
- Campaign: Improved auto calculation of daily budget based on the new total budget.
- Campaign: Improved automatic budget calculation when a new budget is added.
- Campaign - Meta Ads: Fixed the issue by turning off budget allocation when ABO is turned on.
- Creative: Disabled TikTok and LinkedIn ads when there is no allocated ad account.
- Creative - Google Ads: Supported for registered trademark & + symbol for search creative headline and description.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Supported SPONSORED_INMAIL ad format for LinkedIn Ads ad groups.
- Notification: Improved navigation by changing the dropdown component to toggle.
- Reporting - Scheduled Report: Added modal and UI improvements to handle failed reports.
- Reporting - Insight Report: Fixed the issue when the creative name is blank.
- UI/UX Improvement: Improved breadcrumb description and consistency on all screens.
- User & Account Management: Added account filter in multi-partner view.
- User & Account Management: Improved multi-partner/partner dashboard cache refresh.
- Deprecation - Google Ads: Deprecated support for Google Search (Expanded text ads).
- Audience - Meta Ads: Eliminated the option for special ad audience selection from the UI.
- Campaign & Ad Group: Updated the default start and end dates.
- Campaign - Google Ads: Implemented support for video campaigns.
- Campaign - LinkedIn Ads: Introduced support for Lead Generation Form and objective.
- Campaign - LinkedIn Ads: Enhanced validation message on the ad group form when adding a campaign-level budget.
- Creative: Provided explanations for rejected creatives.
- Creative: Introduced "Edit" and "Test Creative" options in the Creative Detail screen.
- Creative: Refined the tooltip for the In Review status.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Enabled creation of audience CRM for Lead Gen Form.
- Reporting - Share Report & Email Report: Included the Service Cost section.
- Reporting - Lead Report: Enabled LinkedIn campaign creation directly from the Lead Report.
- Reporting - TikTok Ads: Enhanced breakdown of engagement details in the public report link.
- Audience - TikTok Ads: Added a new audience type for Website Traffic.
- Ad Group - Clone Modal: Rectified budget cap validation and daily budget calculation during ad group cloning.
- Creative - TikTok Ads: Supported Smart Video Basic type.
- Creative - LinkedIn Ads: Fixed ad rotation option not being saved in LinkedIn Ads ad group.
- Performance Improvement: Accelerated loading time of XPO UI when accessing Partner Dashboard.
- Reporting - Lead Report: Resolved the issue where the pop-up did not appear when selecting multiple leads and clicking on Download Action.
- Reporting - TikTok Ads: Enabled reporting for TikTok Ads.
- UI/UX Improvement: Corrected discrepancies in start dates when selecting different timezones for Google Ads campaigns, creatives, and PMP Deals.
- UI/UX Improvement: Resolved the issue of no data being displayed when searching for accounts.
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