How to Sync LinkedIn Audiences to XPO

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Knorex Support
  • Updated

You can seamlessly transfer your existing audiences created in your LinkedIn Campaign Manager to XPO through audience syncing. 

  1. From your Partner Dashboard, select Utility and then Manage LinkedIn

    Screenshot 2021-07-14 at 4.04.52 PM.jpg
  2. You will be directed to the LinkedIn Account Management under XPO Admin Dashboard. Go to the specific LinkedIn ad account that you want to sync the audience. Click Actions >> Sync Audiences.
    • You will see a list of audiences associated with that LinkedIn ad acount. Click on the checkbox to sync the audience over into XPO. Otherwise, if the checkbox is already checked, it means the audience has been allocated to XPO.
    • Click Save to proceed.

  3. The allocated/synced audiences will now be shown under Audience in your XPO dashboard as well as on the LinkedIn ad group audience page.

Once you have synced the audience from LinkedIn to XPO, you should manage it directly on XPO, and any change will be carried over to LinkedIn via their API. However, if you were to make any changes on LinkedIn, these changes WILL NOT propagate to XPO; you will have to repeat the syncing process as described above.

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