How to Set Daily/ Lifetime Budget Caps for Facebook Campaigns

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Knorex Support
  • Updated

There are 2 types of budget durations that you can set:

a) Lifetime budget

b) Daily budget

When you set your budget for lifetime mode, you essentially want your budget to be spent over the entire run-time of your campaign or ad group. Lifetime budgets provide you with the flexibility of choosing how much you want to spend daily, while ensuring you don't exceed a certain amount of overall spend.

However, if you have specific daily spend goals for your campaign or ad group runs, then you should opt for daily budget.

How to Set a Lifetime/Daily Budget In XPO

  1. Quick Launch a Facebook Campaign.
  2. Select one of the Budget Types either Daily Budget or Lifetime Budget depending on your strategy.
  • If you wish to run a Facebook CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization), do not enable (check) the “Don’t apply daily budget cap to ad groups” box below the Daily Budget Cap field. 
  • At the ad group level, you will only be able to select the max/min budget based on your selected strategy (Daily or Lifetime budget). 
  • Facebook CBO is auto-enabled. If you do not want to enable it for your campaign, check the box that states "Don't apply daily budget cap to ad groups". Keep in mind that checking this box will disable both the Daily and Lifetime budgets

daily lifetime budget p1.png

  • Once you set the Daily/ Lifetime Budget in XPO, it will be synced and shown in your Meta Business Manager under Campaign-Level Lifetime Budget, Campaign Budget Optimization, and Campaign Spending Limit
  • You cannot edit budget type at ad group level
  • Once the Daily/ Lifetime budget option is set at the campaign level, you can only enter the max and min daily/lifetime budget at ad group level
  • You cannot change the budget type once the campaign details are saved
  • You can clone Facebook campaigns with the selected budget type across accounts
  • You can sync Facebook campaigns with the selected budget type

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