How do I Apply Auto-Optimization towards CTR

Article author
Knorex Support
  • Updated


XPO's auto-optimization feature enables you to achieve your target CTR and improve your overall campaign performance. 

How To Apply Auto-Optimization

You can apply this setting at the ad group level across all channels.

  1. Create an Ad Group
    Select a Campaign that you wish to add this feature to and then click + Ad Group.

    Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 11.21.07 AM.png

  2. Fill out the required ad group details. 

    Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 12.09.41 PM.png

  3. Under Bidding Strategy, choose between the following approaches:
    • Automatic - Let XPO bid the best price for you.
    • Manual - Specify the bid price that you want.

      Select Automatic under the drop-down list of "Optimize for", select CTR, and key in the target CTR. Once done, click Save.

Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 12.11.03 PM.png

You can make changes to the bidding strategy on the existing ad groups.

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